The Paku logo, an icon that represents wind

Frequently Asked Questions

Why don’t the numbers on Paku match

Paku and PurpleAir should closely match, as long as you have the same conversion settings on both the app and the website. Tap the gear to see your conversion settings. Note that Paku does not offer all the options that PurpleAir does.

Why isn’t my sensor showing up?

If you have a private sensor, you have to add it to Paku manually. Go to Settings, then tap on “Private Sensors.” A subscription to Paku Pro is required to use private sensors.

If your sensor is public, then try forcing Paku to manually refresh its sensor list. This happens automatically once a week, but if you need to manually refresh, then go to Settings → Troubleshooting Menu and tap “Refresh Sensors.”

If your sensor still isn't showing up, check your settings to make sure you don’t have “Hide Inaccurate Sensors” enabled. You should also check that your sensor is showing up on

Why are some sensors grey?

Sensors will show up as grey if they haven't reported new data recently, or if the data being reported has a low confidence - that is, it may be inaccurate. These sensors will not show up in widgets either - the nearest accurate sensor is automatically chosen when using the “Nearby” setting.

If you’d like to hide these sensors from the map automatically, you can enable the “Hide Inaccurate Sensors” option in your settings.

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